what is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is the insertion of sterile, single use needles in to specific points on the body known as acupuncture points. Stimulating these points with acupuncture needles promotes healing in the body. Acupuncture has been performed in China, with written records describing it going back about 2000 years.

TCM theory holds a holistic perspective and takes the time to consider the full human experience in each case, and aims to treat the root cause of any concern, rather than just the symptoms.

what can acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture offers an array of solutions to physical and mental health concerns such as: Stress/anxiety, digestive issues, pain, musculoskeletal conditions, menopausal symptoms, TMJ, skin care concerns (anti-aging, wrinkles, acne), pre/postpartum support (fertility, morning sickness, labor prep, lactation, fatigue).


Acupuncture is based on Chinese medical theory that states that there is a life force called qi (pronounced chee) that circulates in our body through specific pathways.

These pathways are called meridians. Qi can be accessed at specific points along these meridians, called acupuncture points. By inserting needles in these points, qi can be manipulated to help the body heal itself.

Is acupuncture safe?

Acupuncture is safe when practiced by a registered acupuncturist. A registered acupuncturist has taken at least three years of formal training and has passed a registration examination to prove their knowledge. There are very few side effects noted when acupuncture is performed by a qualified practitioner.

does acupuncture hurt?

Acupuncture can elicit many different sensations and can be a little uncomfortable at times. The sensations that can be caused by n acupuncture treatment are:

• An electrical sensation that travels from the acupuncture point up or down the body or limbs

• A dull achy sensation that is felt locally around the needle

• A feeling of general pressure at the point of needling

• A distending sensation around the needle

• An electrical or aching sensation at a different point on the body away from the needle

• Or the feeling of a muscle twitching of jumping

These sensations occur when the needles are inserted and manipulated. These sensations usually fade as soon as the needle is no longer being stimulated by the acupuncturist. Many patients find acupuncture treatments very relaxing and report sensations of euphoria during and after treatments.

are there different types of acupuncture?
what do they do?

Orthopaedic Acupuncture: In orthopaedic acupuncture, the needles are inserted into muscle motor points. By stimulating the motor points, the muscles are able to relax and alleviate muscle pain and conditions caused by tension. Orthopaedic acupuncture is a form of sports medicine rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine with outstanding results - especially with musculoskeletal conditions.

Cosmetic Acupuncture: A cosmetic Acupuncture treatment is a classic acupuncture treatment taken to the next level with a skincare focus. In addition to correcting imbalances present in your body, it is also a safe procedure that encourages your body’s own immune response to produce new elastin fibres and collagen by causing micro-trauma with the insertion of needles. This results in increased skin elasticity, firmness, reduced fine lines and a smoother complexion and overall texture in the long term.

Auricular Acupuncture: COMING SOON

how often should i get acupuncture?


how long will it take to see results?


what are some side effects?
Is there any down time after acupuncture?

Traditional Acupuncture/ Cosmetic Acupuncture: Side effects include bruising or bleeding, but there is no down time.

Orthopaedic acupuncture: It is normal to have some soreness in the muscles after treatment. This usually resolves itself within 24 to 48 hours.

can acupuncture benefit me even if i am not ill?


Do I need to bring anything to the treatment?

You may bring any printouts from tests related to the condition you are seeking treatment for. This can include x-rays, MRI results, CT scans, or blood tests. If you are not sure you can ask your acupuncturist during the initial consultation what you should bring for the next visit.

What happens to the needles after my treatment?

After the needles are removed from your body they are placed in a biohazard container. When the container is full, it is destroyed as medical waste.

What should I wear to my appointment?

It is best to wear loose fitting clothing, preferably shorts and a t-shirt or tank top. You may need to remove certain articles of clothing for treatment so that the acupuncturist has access to the areas of the body you need treated. There will be sheets and blankets provided for you to cover up with during the treatment if you are required to remove clothing, much like when you are receiving a massage.

Should I eat or drink before my treatment?

It is advisable that you have eaten a few hours before your treatment and that you are adequately hydrated. Low blood sugar and/or dehydration increase the chances of feeling light headed after the treatment.

what is cupping?

Cupping therapy employs the use of glass or silicone cups that are attached to the body with suction. It is used to treat muscular pain, joint pain, menstrual issues, gastrointestinal issues, cellulite reduction, and many other conditions. Cupping therapy can be used on its own, or in combination with acupuncture. Cupping therapy does leave marks that may look like bruises. The marks are not actually bruises and should not be painful. These marks tend to fade away within a few days to a few weeks, depending on the strength of the cupping involved. Cupping should not be used on open wounds, rashes, or sunburns. Caution should be taken with people on blood thinners or with clotting issues. Cupping may be used during pregnancy, but in limited locations on the body.

is acupuncture and/or cupping covered by my benefits?

Absolutely! You can use your personal health benefits for acupuncture, community acupuncture, cosmetic acupuncture and any Traditional Chinese Medicine modalities performed by a registered Acupuncturist. We can also direct bill to most major insurance providers.

where can i find researched based information?


For regulatory information about Acupuncture in Alberta, check out the website for the College of Acupuncturists of Alberta.

Still have specific questions? Feel free to send us a message here.